[Pkg-pascal-devel] Castle Game Engine 6.0 release in Debian

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 19:51:20 UTC 2017

>> This makes it consistent with the rest of the "install" target, that
>> uses "install" utility. Also, it doesn't require checking with "if [ !
>> -d $(BINDIR) ]" first. Actually, "mkdir -p" also doesn't require it:)
> Fine with me, whatever does the right thing®.

Cool, so I applied your patch with my suggested changes, and quickly
tested that it works fine.

make install PREFIX=/tmp/blabla

CGE release 6.0.2, with this change, may happen this evening:)

> So, if we treat
> libgradle-plugins-java as a library, it appears to have a very unstable API?

It has unstable API at least from the point of view of the developers
of the Android Gradle plugin (Google). I guess that's why they chose
to make the versions so coupled with Gradle versions, and carefully
documented it on
. Otherwise, the Android Gradle plugin would "just work" with any
reasonably recent Gradle version.

> So, if it is only this file, maybe we can ship it, but then I need to
> have the source. Can you point me to it (and would you have an idea on
> how to create .jar files)?

Generating this is easy. You need to have Gradle installed (any
version -- the one from Debian package "gradle" is just fine), and
then you run (in any directory)

  gradle wrapper --gradle-distribution-url

This will generate the files gradlew, gradlew.bat, and the
subdirectory gradle/ (see
https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html ) that
should work as good as the version in CGE sources. (I just checked it,
and I see only some differences in the shell script, I guess I should
update CGE sources. In any case, the xxx.jar is identical, and that's
what matters most.)

You can then copy these files to directories in CGE




(they contain equal gradle files).

Although this (probably) downloads the jar from the Internet, without
compiling it. So probably this is not enough for your needs...
Compiling this would require learning how to compile Gradle, and I
haven't played with it yet:)

Best regards,

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