Bug#870252: pkg-perl-autopkgtest: skip t/00-compile/*.t

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Aug 1 02:14:17 UTC 2017

On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 13:18:55 +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:

> These are not going to work with our autopkgtest setup as they look for
> modules in the build tree. Also, we run 'perl -wc' in the autopkgtest
> syntax check which should be more or less equivalent.
> I propose that we add t/00-compile/*.t to the list that the smoke check
> skips automatically.

There are also tons of t/*compile*.t tests which are at best useless:

246	t/00-compile.t
107	t/00_compile.t
 68	t/01_compile.t
 15	t/compile.t
 11	t/00-compile ← the directory
  8	t/000-compile-modules.t
  6	t/00compile.t
  6	t/01-compile.t
  5	t/author-00-compile.t
  5	t/01compile.t
  2	t/20compile.t
  2	t/000-compile.t
  2	t/001_compile.t
  2	t/000_compile.t
  2	t/compile-time.t

(and we are patching some of the t/*compile.t files for autopkgtest)

pkg-perl-tools' TODO file also has the note (by me):
"maybe skip more *pod* tests?"

Currently we're removing
    rm -f $TDIR/t/pod.t
    rm -f $TDIR/t/pod-coverage.t

but there's also (*pod*, with at least 4 hits):

219	t/release-pod-syntax.t
127	t/release-pod-coverage.t
108	t/author-pod-syntax.t
 70	t/pod_coverage.t
 59	t/author-pod-coverage.t
 53	t/02pod.t
 47	t/03podcoverage.t
 39	t/99pod.t
 29	t/99_pod.t
 27	t/pod_cvg.t
 27	t/98_pod.t
 27	t/pod_syn.t
 22	t/99-pod.t
 21	t/author-pod-spell.t
 15	t/release-pod-linkcheck.t
 13	t/99_pod_coverage.t
 12	t/00-pod.t
 11	t/02-pod-coverage.t
 10	t/00_pod.t
 10	t/99-pod-coverage.t
  9	t/91podcover.t
  9	t/90podtest.t
  8	t/10pod.t
  8	t/03-test-pod.t
  7	t/02_pod.t
  7	t/02-pod.t
  6	t/release-pod-no404s.t
  6	t/pod_cvg_pp.t
  6	t/01-pod.t
  6	t/release-pod-spell.t
  6	t/00pod.t
  5	t/98-pod_coverage.t
  5	t/z_pod.t
  5	t/podspell.t
  5	t/pods.t
  5	t/11pod_cover.t
  5	t/01_pod.t
  5	t/90-pod.t
  5	t/03_pod_coverage.t
  5	t/podcover.t
  5	t/98_pod_coverage.t
  4	t/99podcov.t
  4	t/98_pod-coverage.t
  4	t/91-pod-coverage.t
  4	t/01-pod-coverage.t
  4	t/98podsyn.t
  4	t/pod_cov.t
  4	t/98pod-coverage.t
  4	t/99_podcoverage.t

(*release* and *author* are probably skipped but the rest of the
variety is quite interesting.)

I also assume that for
    rm -f $TDIR/t/04critic.t
    rm -f $TDIR/t/97_meta.t
we could fine some nice variations.

15	t/perlcritic.t
 8	t/critic.t
 5	t/04critic.t
 3	t/96-perl-critic.t
 3	t/90-release-perlcritic.t
 2	t/93-perl-critic.t

36	t/release-distmeta.t
17	t/97_meta.t
 9	t/96metatest.t
 9	t/94metatest.t
 9	t/meta.t
 6	t/metadata.t
 6	t/release-meta-json.t
 3	t/02metafiles.t
 3	t/05metaspec.t
 3	t/04metatester.t
 3	t/z_meta.t
 2	t/006_metaclass_traits.t
 2	t/meta-yml.t
 2	t/98metatest.t
 2	t/03metaversion.t
 2	t/meta-json.t
 2	t/release-meta-yaml.t
 2	t/02_meta.t

Lots of opportunities to clean up a bit :)


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