Bug#961147: libcolor-calc-perl: broken by new libgraphics-colornames-perl

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Fri May 22 07:47:25 BST 2020


Niko Tyni (2020-05-21):
> So IMO we should either to package Graphics::ColorNames::HTML even though
> it's deprecated, or drop Color::Calc from Debian.

> libcolor-calc-perl has just one reverse dependency AFAICS:
> libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl.

I took a quick look.

At runtime, Color::Calc optionally enhances
libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl: it allows providing one
base color and letting the module derive other colors from it — as
opposed to sticking with the default colors, or specifying every color
one wants to use.

At build time, it seems libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl
should build just fine if Color::Calc is not available: the
corresponding tests should be skipped. So that reverse
build-dependency is probably not, in itself, a blocker for removing
Color::Calc from Debian.

libcolor-calc-perl's popcon is low and steadily decreasing since 10 years.

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