Bug#1042843: libimage-sane-perl: FTBFS with Perl 5.38: given is deprecated

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Tue Aug 1 19:56:56 BST 2023

Source: libimage-sane-perl
Version: 5-1
Severity: important
Tags: ftbfs sid trixie upstream patch
Forwarded: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=148487
User: debian-perl at lists.debian.org
Usertags: perl-5.38-transition

This package fails to build from source with Perl 5.38 (currently in


   #   Failed test '--device=test --test 2>&1'
   #   at t/81_scanimage-perl.t line 41.
   #          got: 'scanimage: scanning image of size 157x196 pixels at 8 bits/pixel
   # '
   #     expected: 'given is deprecated at examples/scanimage line 125.
   # when is deprecated at examples/scanimage line 126.
   Test Summary Report
   t/81_scanimage-perl.t (Wstat: 1280 (exited 5) Tests: 6 Failed: 5)
     Failed tests:  2-6
     Non-zero exit status: 5
   Files=11, Tests=341,  7 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr  0.01 sys +  1.18 cusr  0.30 csys =  1.54 CPU)
   Result: FAIL
There's a patch by Petr Písař in the upstream ticket.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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