Bug#1050447: libsub-delete-perl: autopkgtest failure with Perl 5.38: Old package separator "'" deprecated

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Thu Aug 24 18:37:29 BST 2023

Source: libsub-delete-perl
Version: 1.00002-3
Severity: important
Tags: trixie sid upstream patch
User: debian-perl at lists.debian.org
Usertags: perl-5.38-transition autopkgtest
Forwarded: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=146682

This package fails its autopkgtest checks with Perl 5.38 (currently
in experimental.)


     54s #   Failed test ' /usr/bin/perl -w -M"Sub::Delete" -e 1 2>&1 produced no (non-whitelisted) output'
     54s #   at /usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runtime-deps.d/use.t line 110.
     54s #     Structures begin differing at:
     54s #          $got->[0] = 'Old package separator "'" deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Sub/Delete.pm line 47.
     54s #     '
     54s #     $expected->[0] = Does not exist
     54s #   Failed test 'env PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1  /usr/bin/perl -w -M"Sub::Delete" -e 1 2>&1 produced no (non-whitelisted) output'
     54s #   at /usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runtime-deps.d/use.t line 110.
     54s #     Structures begin differing at:
     54s #          $got->[0] = 'Old package separator "'" deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Sub/Delete.pm line 47.
     54s #     '
     54s #     $expected->[0] = Does not exist
     54s # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 4.
There's a patch by Yves Orton in the upstream ticket.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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