[Pkg-privacy-commits] [mat] annotated tag debian/0.6.1-1 created (now 621f100)

Intrigeri intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 11 15:02:17 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

intrigeri pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.6.1-1
in repository mat.

        at  621f100   (tag)
   tagging  7e27a2a81e65e14020cb68b8dff63109bdc889e8 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.6
 tagged by  intrigeri
        on  Mon Jan 11 15:01:51 2016 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
mat Debian release 0.6.1-1


Sascha Steinbiss (6):
      d/changelog: version bump
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.6'
      mark as team upload
      version bump
      remove hachoir dependency
      move testsuite call to autopkgtest

Ximin Luo (1):
      hand over package to pkg-privacy team

intrigeri (198):
      Initial Debian packaging.
      New patch: actually install main programs.
      New snapshot.
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      Drop patch 0001-Actually-install-main-programs.
      New patches: install and fix .desktop file.
      New snapshot
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      Drop patches integrated upstream.
      Install README and TODO.
      New snapshot. Take into account upstream 0.1 was not released yet.
      Update licensing information.
      Add Vcs-Git control field.
      Releasing mat 0.1~1.git03f07b-1 Debian package.
      Fix typos in the long description.
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      Install manpages.
      Drop merged upstream patch 0001-Install-.desktop-file.patch.
      Bump standards version, no change required.
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      Manpage and desktop file fixes.
      New snapshot mat package (0.1~2.git54f665-1)
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      Drop all patches (integrated upstream).
      New mat package snapshot (0.1~3.gitf96246-1)
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      New patch: 0001-Use-relative-path-in-setup.py.patch
      New patches: 0002-Fix-ugly-typo.patch, 0003-Remove-embedded-pdfrw-copy.patch
      Recommend pdfrw since it's not embedded anymore.
      New patch: 0004-Don-t-install-FORMATS-file-in-a-stupid-place.patch
      New mat Debian snapshot package (0.1~4.git2c9182-1).
      Depends on, instead of recommends, pdfrw.
      Releasing mat (0.1~4.git2c9182-2) Debian package.
      Update dependency from pdfrw to python-pdfrw. The binary package was renamed.
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      Add dependency on exiftool.
      Cleanup debian/copyright: pdfrw is not embedded anymore.
      Clarify copyright and license on bencode.
      Drop all patches (merged upstream).
      Fix spelling in long description.
      List supported formats in long description.
      New patch: 0001-Do-not-try-to-install-files-that-we-don-t-ship-anymo.patch
      Releasing mat (0.1~5.gite7a930-1) to Debian unstable.
      Update Vcs-* control fields: packaging repository was moved to collab-maint.
      The MAT now has a real web homepage.
      Set collective maintainer.
      Merge commit '0.1'
      Update gbp.conf to match current upstream practices.
      New snapshot at 0.1-1~1.gbpc67bd9.
      Drop all patches, applied upstream.
      Add Lintian overrides for false positives.
      Add watch file.
      New snapshot: 0.1-1~3.gbpf80227
      Release mat (0.1-1~3.gbpf80227) snapshot for Debian unstable.
      Fix debian/watch.
      Rework dependencies after discussion with upstream.
      Releasing mat (0.1-1~4.gbp70ebf7) for Debian unstable.
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      New snapshot: 0.1-1~5.gbp697cf6
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      New snapshot: 0.2~1.git6b2de7-2
      Prepare what's needed to run the upstream test suite at package build time.
      Releasing mat (0.2-1) for Debian unstable.
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      Run test suite at build time.
      New snapshot (0.3~bb41ac1-1).
      Merge commit '0.2.1'
      Don't run test suite at build time. It's still buggy in a pbuilder environment.
      Releasing mat (0.2.1-1) to unstable.
      Merge commit '0.2.2'
      Releasing mat (0.2.2-1) to Debian unstable.
      Cherry-pick critical bugfix commit from upstream Git.
      Releasing mat (0.2.2-2) into Debian unstable.
      Use my shiny new @debian.org address.
      Merge tag '0.3.0'
      Drop obsolete patch 0001-Fix-a-critical-bug-thanks-to-omaylorga.
      Update manpage name: mat-cli(1) -> mat(1).
      WIP: Releasing mat 0.3.0-1 to Debian unstable.
      Migrate to a more standard gbp repository layout.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.1'
      Add missing email address in debian/copyright.
      Update DEP-5 URL.
      Reformat debian/copyright using cme.
      Remove obsolete Lintian override.
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3, no change required.
      New patches, cherry-picked from upstream, that update French translation.
      Update dependencies: python-pdfrw is now needed to deal with PDF files.
      Fix duplicate Copyright field in debian/copyright.
      New patch: 0003-Get-localized-strings-from-the-text-domain-where-the.patch
      New patch: 0004-Have-gettext-find-translations-where-they-are-and-do.patch
      WIP: Releasing mat (0.3.1-1) to Debian unstable.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.2'
      Drop all patches: applied upstream.
      Releasing mat (0.3.2-1) to Debian unstable.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.3'
      mat (0.3.3-1) experimental
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.4'
      Add 0001-gettext.install-defines-_-don-t-redefine-it.patch: gettext.install defines "_", don't redefine it.
      mat (0.3.4-1) experimental
      Merge branch 'upstream_master'
      Bump Python dependency from 2.6 to 2.7.
      Update dependencies to take into account that the MAT now heavily uses GI.
      Update poppler dependency to use GI.
      mat (0.3.4-2~1.gbp1d1541)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.4'
      Drop 0001-gettext.install-defines-_-don-t-redefine-it.patch: applied upstream.
      Update recommended packages details in README.Debian.
      mat (0.4-1~1.gbpef9aab)
      Declare compatibility with Standards-Version 3.9.4.
      Use canonical URL for Vcs-Git control field.
      mat (0.4-1~2.gbpb3d616)
      Run test suite at build time.
      mat (0.4-1~3.gbp58261d)
      Revert "Run test suite at build time."
      mat (0.4-1~4.gbpe8f3fb)
      mat (0.4-1)
      Recommend python-nautilus, needed by the Nautilus extension.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.1'
      mat (0.4.1-1~1.gbp575f62)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.2'
      New patch: 0001-Add-Keywords-to-the-desktop-file.patch.
      mat (0.4.2-1)
      Support .xz upstream tarballs in debian/watch.
      Have uscan automatically check upstream tarball signatures.
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Drop 0001-Add-Keywords-to-the-desktop-file.patch: applied upstream.
      Update upstream copyright and licensing information.
      Bump copyright years for the Debian packaging.
      Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
      Don't attempt to install TODO: it was removed from the upstream source.
      Do not explicitly install the upstream README: dh_installdocs does it automatically.
      Update (commented-out) command to run the upstream test suite in debian/rules.
      Move the fallback target on top of debian/rules.
      Yet another attempt at running the upstream test suite at package build time.
      mat (0.5-1~1.gbp5ae4df)
      Add debian/upstream-signing-key.pgp to debian/source/include-binaries.
      mat (0.5-1~2.gbpb0901a)
      New patch: 0001-Do-not-attempt-to-install-non-existing-TODO-file.patch.
      mat (0.5-1~3.gbp0d46e4)
      Run upstream test suite in C.UTF-8 locales.
      mat (0.5-1~4.gbp6b44bb)
      Declare compatibility with Standards-Version 3.9.5.
      mat (0.5-1~5.gbpe23791)
      Move upstream signing key to the place uscan now looks for it.
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Mark 0.5 as unreleased, without gbp snapshot markers.
      Drop Debian patches, applied upstream.
      mat (0.5.1-1~1.gbp41e6a8)
      Update debian/source/include-binaries accordingly to the upstream signing key move.
      mat (0.5.1-1~2.gbp983de3)
      Configure gbp to take into account that upstream tarballs are now compressed with xz.
      mat (0.5.1-1~3.gbp34fea9)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.2_rc1'
      mat (0.5.2~rc1-1)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.2'
      mat (0.5.2-1)
      Drop obsolete dependency on python-gobject.
      mat (0.5.2-2)
      Put under the umbrella of the Anonymity Tools Debian Maintainers team.
      Remove bertagaz from Uploaders: he actually never had time to work on this package.
      Ship armored upstream OpenPGP key instead of binary one, accordingly drop debian/source/include-binaries.
      mat (0.5.2-3)
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.3' into experimental
      Add and document Recommends on python-pil.
      Declare compliance with Standards-Version 3.9.6 (no change required).
      Use HTTPS and cgit URL in the Vcs-Browser control field.
      debian/copyright: update bencode/* location.
      Bump upstream and debian/* copyright years.
      Build-depend on python-pil, so that it can be used in the upstream test suite.
      New snapshot.
      Add Recommends on gir1.2-gtk-3.0, that's needed for the GUI. Thanks to Patrick Schleizer <adrelanos at riseup.net> for the bug report! (Closes: #788099).
      0001-Remove-the-pillow-stuff-because-it-was-a-bad-idea.patch: new patch, cherry-picked from upstream (Closes: #789833).
      Remove {build,runtime} dependency on python-pil: it was removed upstream.
      Revert "Add and document Recommends on python-pil."
      New snapshot.
      0002-ExiftoolStripper-white-list-the-File-Type-Extension-.patch: new patch, cherry-picked from upstream, that fixes the test suite on current sid (Closes: #789833).
      New snapshot.
      0003-archive-use-correct-epoch-time.patch, 0004-archive-explicitly-treat-text-we-got-from-tarfile-as.patch: new patches, cherry-picked from upstream, to fix test suite failures (and quite possibly actual bugs).
      New snapshot.
      Update upstream signing key.
      Imported Upstream version 0.5.4
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.4' into experimental
      Update debian/changelog.
      Drop all patches: they're part of the upstream 0.5.4 release.
      Update debian/changelog.
      debian/copyright: fix typo that made a wildcard match nothing.
      Update debian/changelog.
      Add dh-python to Build-Depends.
      Add Recommends on gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0, gir1.2-glib-2.0 and gir1.2-nautilus-3.0.
      debian/control: fix grammar error.
      debian/control: fix typo in long description.
      mat (0.5.4-1)
      Get back the test suite run at package build time.
      Remove spurious trailing whitespace at EOL.
      mat (0.6.1-1)

jvoisin (6):
      Fix some typos found by intrigeri
      Update the release process
      Fix the segfault when listing supported files
      Fix the metadata popup
      Use GObject types instead of Python ones for the GUI
      MAT 0.6.1


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  d400b30   Get back the test suite run at package build time.
       new  7478985   Remove spurious trailing whitespace at EOL.
       new  7e27a2a   mat (0.6.1-1)

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/mat.git

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