[Pkg-privacy-commits] [libgsecuredelete] 74/168: Fix the documentation to follow ValaDoc format

Ulrike Uhlig u-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 7 20:06:41 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

u-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libgsecuredelete.

commit 80cac0a3aa019e4f200a4b8220c378b1100d74c9
Author: Colomban Wendling <ban at herbesfolles.org>
Date:   Fri Apr 29 19:36:34 2011 +0200

    Fix the documentation to follow ValaDoc format
    Use ValaDoc syntax for documentation comments, allowing future
    generation of the documentation.
    Also clean the documentation a bit in some places.
 gsecuredelete/async-operation.vala        | 166 +++++++++++++++---------------
 gsecuredelete/delete-operation.vala       |  30 +++---
 gsecuredelete/fill-operation.vala         |  51 ++++-----
 gsecuredelete/mem-operation.vala          |   5 +-
 gsecuredelete/securedelete-operation.vala |  40 ++++---
 gsecuredelete/swap-operation.vala         |  30 +++---
 gsecuredelete/utils.vala                  |  68 ++++++------
 gsecuredelete/zeroable-operation.vala     |   9 +-
 8 files changed, 204 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gsecuredelete/async-operation.vala b/gsecuredelete/async-operation.vala
index 266a1a1..7357419 100644
--- a/gsecuredelete/async-operation.vala
+++ b/gsecuredelete/async-operation.vala
@@ -21,18 +21,24 @@ using GLib;
 namespace Gsd
-  /** AsyncOperationError:
-   * 
+  /**
    * Error domain for the AsyncOperation class.
-   * @ARGS_ERROR: An error occurred during the build of the command's arguments.
-   * @CHILD_FAILED: The subprocess crashed or terminated with an error.
-   * @SUBCLASS_ERROR: Other error from a subclass of AsyncOperation. This is
-   *                  used as a workaround for the lack of error subclassing,
-   *                  disallowing to manage "generic" errors cleanly.
   public errordomain AsyncOperationError {
+    /**
+     * An error occurred during the build of the command's arguments.
+     */
+    /**
+     * The subprocess crashed or terminated with an error.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Other error from a subclass of AsyncOperation.
+     * 
+     * This is used as a workaround for the lack of error subclassing,
+     * disallowing to manage "generic" errors cleanly.
+     */
     SUBCLASS_ERROR /* workaround the miss of error subclassing */
@@ -40,10 +46,10 @@ namespace Gsd
    * TODO:
    *  * Be able to launch the operation as root/another user.
-  /** AsyncOperation:
-   * 
+  /**
    * An asynchronous process spawner, with support for progression and success
    * report.
+   * 
    * This is a base class designed to be subclassed by actual spawners, with
    * as less efforts as possible.
@@ -54,37 +60,17 @@ namespace Gsd
    * set it since it must be set before calling run() or run_sync() - or getting
    * it).
    * This said, you may want to override get_max_progress() and get_progress()
-   * to add actual progress support; build_environ() to provide a specific
+   * to add actual progress support; and build_environ() to provide a specific
    * environment to your command.
-   * <warning>
-   *   As it use a timeout function to watch the child, you need a GLib's
-   *   MainLoop for the watching process to work for the asynchronous method.
-   *   
-   *   Yes, a thread might be a good thing, but have some limitations too:
-   *   <list>
-   *     <listentry>
-   *       Still needs a timeout somewhere not to overload the machine;
-   *       This can perhaps be thrown away by waiting for the process or one
-   *       of its outputs to be "ready" for something.
-   *     </listentry>
-   *     <listentry>
-   *       Needs lot of care both for the implementation and even more for the
-   *       caller in most cases;
-   *     </listentry>
-   *     <listentry>
-   *       Doesn't do magic: you still need to wait for the thread to terminate
-   *       in a certain manner, or let the thread terminate together with the
-   *       application.
-   *     </listentry>
-   *   </list>
-   *   If you find a perfect implementation going away these limitations, please
-   *   tell me and I'll be happy to try to implement it or to review your patch.
-   * </warning>
+   * =Important note=
-   * <example>
-   *   <title>Simple usage of an hypothetical subclass FooOperation</title>
-   *   <programlisting>
+   * As this class uses a timeout function to watch the child, you need a GLib
+   * MainLoop for the watching process to work for the asynchronous method.
+   * 
+   * =Simple usage of an hypothetical FooOperation subclass=
+   * 
+   * {{{
    * var foo = new FooOperation();
    * // Connect the finish callback
@@ -103,49 +89,60 @@ namespace Gsd
    * var loop = GLib.MainLoop (null, false);
    * loop.run ();
-   *   </programlisting>
-   * </example>
-   * 
-   * @n_passes: the maximum number of progress steps.
-   * @passes:   the current progress step
-   * @pid:      the subprocess PID
-   * @fd_in:    the subprocess' standard input
-   * @fd_out:   the subprocess' standard output
-   * @fd_err:   the subprocess' error output
+   * }}}
   public abstract class AsyncOperation : Object
     /* fields for async operation */
+    /**
+     * The maximum number of progress steps.
+     */
     protected uint  n_passes;
+    /**
+     * the current progress step
+     */
     protected uint  passes;
+    /**
+     * the subprocess PID
+     */
     protected Pid   pid;
+    /**
+     * the subprocess' standard input
+     */
     protected int   fd_in;
+    /**
+     * the subprocess' standard output
+     */
     protected int   fd_out;
+    /**
+     * the subprocess' error output
+     */
     protected int   fd_err;
     private bool    _busy = false;
     private string  _path = null;
     private string  _path_default = null;
     /* signals */
-    /** AsyncOperation::finished:
-     * @success: whether the operation succeed.
-     * @message: if the operation failed, contains the error message.
-     * 
+    /**
      * This signal is emitted when the operation just terminated.
+     * 
+     * @param success whether the operation succeed.
+     * @param message if the operation failed, contains the error message.
     public signal void finished (bool     success,
                                  string?  message);
-    /** AsyncOperation::progress:
-     * @fraction: the current progress, from 0.0 to 1.0.
-     * 
+    /**
      * This signal is emitted when the progress status of the operation changes.
+     * 
+     * @param fraction the current progress, from 0.0 to 1.0.
     public signal void progress (double   fraction);
     /* properties */
-    /** path:
+    /**
      * The path to the command to spawn.
-     * Setting it to %null resets it to its default value.
+     * 
+     * Setting it to null resets it to its default value.
     public string path {
       get {
@@ -168,10 +165,11 @@ namespace Gsd
-    /** AsyncOperation: busy:
-     * Whether the operation object is busy. A busy operation cannot be reused
-     * until it gets ready again. An operation is busy when it is currently
-     * doing a job.
+    /**
+     * Whether the operation object is busy.
+     * 
+     * A busy operation cannot be reused until it gets ready again.
+     * An operation is busy when it is currently doing a job.
     public bool busy {
       public get {
@@ -319,10 +317,10 @@ namespace Gsd
       return ! finished;
-    /** cancel:
+    /**
      * Tries to cancel the operation.
-     * Returns: %true if successfully canceled, %false otherwise.
+     * @return true if successfully canceled, false otherwise.
     public bool cancel ()
       requires (this.busy)
@@ -337,18 +335,18 @@ namespace Gsd
       return ! (kill_status < 0);
-    /** run:
-     * @working_directory: the working directory of the child process, or null
-     *                     to use the parent's one.
-     * @spawn_flags: %SpawnFlags. You may only use the SEARCH_PATH and
-     *               CHILD_INHERITS_STDIN flags, others may conflict.
-     * @watch_interval: time (in milliseconds) between two check for subprocess'
-     *                  status. A too short value may use too much CPU and a too
-     *                  big may be less responsive.
-     * 
+    /**
      * Launches an operation asynchronously.
-     * Returns: whether asynchronous operation was successfully started.
+     * @param working_directory the working directory of the child process, or
+     *    null to use the parent's one.
+     * @param spawn_flags SpawnFlags. You may only use the SEARCH_PATH and
+     *    CHILD_INHERITS_STDIN flags, others may conflict.
+     * @param watch_interval time (in milliseconds) between two check for
+     *    subprocess' status. A too short value may use too much CPU and a too
+     *    big may be less responsive.
+     * 
+     * @return whether asynchronous operation was successfully started.
     public bool run (string?    working_directory = null,
                      SpawnFlags spawn_flags = 0,
@@ -391,21 +389,21 @@ namespace Gsd
       return success;
-    /** run_sync:
-     * @working_directory: the working directory of the child process, or null
-     *                     to use the parent's one.
-     * spawn_flags: %SpawnFlags. You may only use the SEARCH_PATH and
-     *               CHILD_INHERITS_STDIN flags, others may conflict.
-     * @standard_output: return location for the subprocess' standard output,
-     *                   or null to ignore it.
-     * 
+    /**
      * Launches an operation synchronously.
-     * Returns: %true if all worked properly, and %false if something failed.
-     *          An error is thrown if something fails. It can be the subprocess
-     *          spawning (SpawnError) or the child that failed
-     *          (AsyncOperationError.CHILD_FAILED) or the generation of
-     *          arguments that failed (AsyncOperationError.ARGS_ERROR).
+     * @param working_directory the working directory of the child process, or
+     *    null to use the parent's one.
+     * @param spawn_flags SpawnFlags. You may only use the SEARCH_PATH and
+     *    CHILD_INHERITS_STDIN flags, others may conflict.
+     * @param standard_output return location for the subprocess' standard
+     *    output, or null to ignore it.
+     * 
+     * @return true if all worked properly, and false if something failed.
+     *         An error is thrown if something fails. It can be the subprocess
+     *         spawning (SpawnError) or the child that failed
+     *         (AsyncOperationError.CHILD_FAILED) or the generation of
+     *         arguments that failed (AsyncOperationError.ARGS_ERROR).
     public bool run_sync (string?    working_directory = null,
                           SpawnFlags spawn_flags = 0,
diff --git a/gsecuredelete/delete-operation.vala b/gsecuredelete/delete-operation.vala
index d3db047..21c8c68 100644
--- a/gsecuredelete/delete-operation.vala
+++ b/gsecuredelete/delete-operation.vala
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ using GLib;
 namespace Gsd
-  /** DeleteOperation:
-   * 
-   * Wrapper for `srm`.
+  /**
+   * Wrapper for //srm//.
   public class DeleteOperation : ZeroableOperation
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ namespace Gsd
     private uint          n_files = 0;
     /* properties */
-    /** paths:
+    /**
      * List of all files to wipe.
     public List<string> paths {
@@ -45,10 +44,10 @@ namespace Gsd
       this.path = Config.SRM_PATH;
-    /** add_path:
-     * @path: a path to securely remove.
-     * 
+    /**
      * Adds a path to the list of paths to remove.
+     * 
+     * @param path a path to securely remove.
     public void add_path (string path)
       requires (! this.busy)
@@ -56,16 +55,15 @@ namespace Gsd
       this._paths.append (path);
-    /** remove_path:
-     * @path: a path already added you want to remove from the list.
-     * 
+    /**
      * Removes a path from the list of paths to wipe.
-     * <warning>
-     *   This is NOT a filter for files not to wipe! It only remove a path
-     *   previously added with add_path() from the list of paths to wipe, it
-     *   does not prevent wiping of a path if the directory containing it is
-     *   in the list of paths to wipe.
-     * </warning>
+     * 
+     * Note that this is NOT a filter for files not to wipe! It only remove a
+     * path previously added with add_path() from the list of paths to wipe, it
+     * does not prevent wiping of a path if the directory containing it is in
+     * the list of paths to wipe.
+     * 
+     * @param path a path already added you want to remove from the list.
     public void remove_path (string path)
       requires (! this.busy)
diff --git a/gsecuredelete/fill-operation.vala b/gsecuredelete/fill-operation.vala
index cf22a46..a961549 100644
--- a/gsecuredelete/fill-operation.vala
+++ b/gsecuredelete/fill-operation.vala
@@ -19,26 +19,30 @@
 namespace Gsd
-  /** FillOperation:
-   * 
-   * Wrapper for `sfill`.
+  /**
+   * Wrapper for //sfill//.
   public class FillOperation : ZeroableOperation
-     * WipeMode:
-     * 
-     * @FULL:   wipe both free inode and data free space.
-     * @INODES: wipe only free inode space (not free data space)
-     * @DATA:   wipe only free data space (not free inode space)
+     * What to wipe
     public enum WipeMode {
+      /**
+       * wipe both free inode and data free space.
+       */
+      /**
+       * wipe only free inode space (not free data space)
+       */
+      /**
+       * wipe only free data space (not free inode space)
+       */
-    /** FillOperation:wipe_mode
+    /**
      * The wiping mode
     public WipeMode wipe_mode {
@@ -46,8 +50,9 @@ namespace Gsd
       default = WipeMode.FULL;
-    /** FillOperation:directory:
-     * The directory to fill (must of course be on the filesystem to clean).
+    /**
+     * The directory to fill (must of course be on the filesystem to clean)
+     * 
      * I recommend you not to fill in a useful directory but inside a new and
      * clean one. This can be useful if the filling is interrupted, voluntarily
      * or not, as this process may spawn a lot of files that might not be
@@ -108,15 +113,14 @@ namespace Gsd
       this.directory = null;
-    /** run:
-     * @directory: the directory to fill. It is exactly the same as setting
-     *             the FillOperation:directory property, just a convenience
-     *             possibility.
-     * @watch_interval: See AsyncOperation.run()
-     * 
+    /**
      * Launches a secure filling asynchronously.
-     * Returns: whether subprocess started successfully.
+     * @param directory the directory to fill. It is exactly the same as setting
+     *    the FillOperation:directory property, just a convenience possibility.
+     * @param watch_interval See AsyncOperation.run()
+     * 
+     * @return whether subprocess started successfully.
     public new bool run (string? directory = null,
                          uint watch_interval = 100)
@@ -128,14 +132,13 @@ namespace Gsd
       return base.run (watch_interval);
-    /** run_sync:
-     * @directory: the directory to fill. It is exactly the same as setting
-     *             the FillOperation:directory property, just a convenience
-     *             possibility.
-     * 
+    /**
      * Launches a secure filling synchronously.
-     * Returns: whether filling was successful.
+     * @param directory the directory to fill. It is exactly the same as setting
+     *    the FillOperation:directory property, just a convenience possibility.
+     * 
+     * @return whether filling was successful.
     public new bool run_sync (string? directory = null)
       throws SpawnError, AsyncOperationError
diff --git a/gsecuredelete/mem-operation.vala b/gsecuredelete/mem-operation.vala
index 035eeaa..04faa45 100644
--- a/gsecuredelete/mem-operation.vala
+++ b/gsecuredelete/mem-operation.vala
@@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ namespace Gsd
    * * test
-  /** MemOperation:
-   * 
-   * Wrapper for `smem`.
+  /**
+   * Wrapper for //smem//.
   public class MemOperation : SecureDeleteOperation
diff --git a/gsecuredelete/securedelete-operation.vala b/gsecuredelete/securedelete-operation.vala
index aac98e9..f58d4e6 100644
--- a/gsecuredelete/securedelete-operation.vala
+++ b/gsecuredelete/securedelete-operation.vala
@@ -22,36 +22,43 @@ using GLib;
 namespace Gsd
-   * SecureDeleteOperation:
+   * An AsyncOperation subclass to implement SecureDelete operations.
-   * A subclass of AsyncOperation designed to be the base class for all
-   * SecureDelete operations. It implements things that are the same for all
-   * SecureDelete operators.
+   * This class implements everything that is shared by all SecureDelete
+   * operators.
   public abstract class SecureDeleteOperation : AsyncOperation
-     * Mode:
-     * 
-     * Security mode:
-     * @NORMAL: normal mode (default) (38 passes)
-     * @INSECURE: less security (-l option) (2 passes)
-     * @VERY_INSECURE: even less security (-ll option) (1 pass)
+     * Security mode
     public enum Mode {
+      /**
+       * normal mode (default) (38 passes)
+       */
+      /**
+       * less security (-l option) (2 passes)
+       */
+      /**
+       * even less security (-ll option) (1 pass)
+       */
-    /** Whether to use fast (and insecure) work mode (-f option). */
+    /**
+     * Whether to use fast (and insecure) work mode (-f option).
+     */
     public bool fast {
       default = false;
-    /** The security mode */
+    /**
+     * The security mode
+     */
     public Mode mode {
@@ -141,10 +148,11 @@ namespace Gsd
       return progress;
-    /** run:
+    /**
      * Runs a SecureDelete operator asynchronously.
-     * Returns: whether operation started successfully.
+     * @param watch_interval See AsyncOperation.run()
+     * @return whether operation started successfully.
     public new bool run (uint watch_interval = 100)
       throws SpawnError, AsyncOperationError
@@ -152,10 +160,10 @@ namespace Gsd
       return base.run (null, 0, watch_interval);
-    /** run_sync:
+    /**
      * Runs a SecureDelete operator synchronously.
-     * Returns: whether operation was successful.
+     * @return whether operation was successful.
     public new bool run_sync ()
       throws SpawnError, AsyncOperationError
diff --git a/gsecuredelete/swap-operation.vala b/gsecuredelete/swap-operation.vala
index 63501a0..33737e9 100644
--- a/gsecuredelete/swap-operation.vala
+++ b/gsecuredelete/swap-operation.vala
@@ -19,13 +19,12 @@
 namespace Gsd
-  /** SwapOperation:
-   * 
-   * Wrapper for `sswap`.
+  /**
+   * Wrapper for //sswap//.
   public class SwapOperation : ZeroableOperation
-    /** SwapOperation:device:
+    /**
      * The swap device to wipe.
     public string device {
@@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ namespace Gsd
      * Whether to throw an error if the swap is detected as being currently
      * used.
+     * 
      * This may be useful because doing the operation on an in-use swap device
      * may crash the system.
@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ namespace Gsd
       this.device = null;
-    /** run:
-     * @device: the swap device to wipe. It is exactly the same as setting the
-     *          the SwapOperation:device property, just a convenience shortcut.
-     * @watch_interval: See AsyncOperation.run()
-     * 
+    /**
      * Launches a secure wiping of a swap device asynchronously.
-     * Returns: whether subprocess started successfully.
+     * @param device the swap device to wipe. It is exactly the same as setting
+     *    the SwapOperation:device property, just a convenience shortcut.
+     * @param watch_interval See AsyncOperation.run()
+     * 
+     * @return whether subprocess started successfully.
     public new bool run (string? device = null,
                          uint watch_interval = 100)
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ namespace Gsd
       return base.run (watch_interval);
-    /** run_sync:
-     * @device: the swap device to wipe. It is exactly the same as setting the
-     *          the SwapOperation:device property, just a convenience shortcut.
-     * 
+    /**
      * Launches a secure wiping of a swap device synchronously.
-     * Returns: whether wiping of the swap device succeed.
+     * @param device the swap device to wipe. It is exactly the same as setting
+     *    the SwapOperation:device property, just a convenience shortcut.
+     * 
+     * @return whether wiping of the swap device succeed.
     public new bool run_sync (string? device = null)
       throws SpawnError, AsyncOperationError
diff --git a/gsecuredelete/utils.vala b/gsecuredelete/utils.vala
index a2ad30b..6792655 100644
--- a/gsecuredelete/utils.vala
+++ b/gsecuredelete/utils.vala
@@ -19,35 +19,40 @@
 namespace Gsd
-  /** FDError:
-   * 
+  /**
    * Error domain for the FD namespace functions. It is mainly a wrapper around
    * some errnos to have exceptions for them.
-   * 
-   * @KILL_ERROR: A call to Posix.kill() failed.
-   * @READ_ERROR: A call to Posix.read() failed.
-   * @SELECT_ERROR: A call to Posix.select() failed.
-   * @WAITPID_ERROR: A call to Posix.waitpid() failed.
   internal errordomain FDError {
+    /**
+     * A call to Posix.kill() failed.
+     */
+    /**
+     * A call to Posix.read() failed.
+     */
+    /**
+     * A call to Posix.select() failed.
+     */
+    /**
+     * A call to Posix.waitpid() failed.
+     */
   namespace FD
-    /** read_ready:
-     * @fd: a file descriptor
-     * @error: return location for an error string on error, or NULL to ignore
-     *         errors.
+    /**
+     * Gets whether a file descriptor is ready to be read or not.
+     * 
+     * Being ready means that reading data from it would not be blocking, as
+     * there is data to be read.
-     * Gets whether a file descriptor is ready to be read or not. Ready means
-     * that reading data from it would not be blocking, as there is data to be
-     * read.
+     * @param fd a file descriptor
-     * Returns: %TRUE if the file is read, %FALSE otherwise.
+     * @return %TRUE if the file is read, %FALSE otherwise.
     internal bool read_ready (int fd)
       throws FDError
@@ -72,14 +77,15 @@ namespace Gsd
       return ready;
-    /** read_string:
-     * @fd: a file descriptor
-     * @n_bytes: number of bytes to read from @fd, or -1 to read all @fd
-     * 
+    /**
      * Reads content of a file as a string.
+     * 
      * This function may only work with text data.
-     * Returns: a newly allocated string containing data in @fd.
+     * @param fd a file descriptor
+     * @param n_bytes number of bytes to read from @fd, or -1 to read all @fd
+     * 
+     * @return a newly allocated string containing data in @fd.
     internal static string? read_string (int     fd,
                                          ssize_t n_bytes = -1)
@@ -135,21 +141,21 @@ namespace Gsd
       return (string?) (owned) buf;
-    /** count_ready_bytes:
-     * @fd: a valid file descriptor
-     * @byte: the byte to cont in @fd
-     * @bufsize: the size of the buffer used to cache the file's content.
-     *           Tweaking it may improve the performances with different amount
-     *           of data in @fd: the better value is the closer to the total
-     *           number of bytes that will be read (the size of the file's
-     *           content) or a multiple of it if it is a too big value to be
-     *           reasonably allocated at once.
-     * 
+    /**
      * Counts the number of occurrence of a given byte in a file descriptor.
+     * 
      * This function is non-blocking and returns 0 if there is no data in the
      * buffer rather than blocking waiting for data.
-     * Returns: the number of occurrences of @byte in @fd.
+     * @param fd a valid file descriptor
+     * @param byte the byte to cont in @fd
+     * @param bufsize the size of the buffer used to cache the file's content.
+     *    Tweaking it may improve the performances with different amount of data
+     *    in @fd: the better value is the closer to the total number of bytes
+     *    that will be read (the size of the file's content) or a multiple of it
+     *    if it is a too big value to be reasonably allocated at once.
+     * 
+     * @return the number of occurrences of @byte in @fd.
     internal uint count_ready_bytes (int    fd,
                                      int    byte,
diff --git a/gsecuredelete/zeroable-operation.vala b/gsecuredelete/zeroable-operation.vala
index 9174e1d..473eb22 100644
--- a/gsecuredelete/zeroable-operation.vala
+++ b/gsecuredelete/zeroable-operation.vala
@@ -23,17 +23,14 @@ namespace Gsd
-   * ZeroableOperation:
+   * A SecureDeleteOperation subclass to implment zeroable operations
-   * A subclass of SecureDeleteOperation designed to be the base class for all
-   * SecureDelete operations that support wiping with zeros only as the last
-   * pass.
+   * A base class for all SecureDelete operations that support wiping with zeros
+   * as the last pass.
   public abstract class ZeroableOperation : SecureDeleteOperation
-     * zeroise:
-     * 
      * Whether to wipe with zeros at the last pass instead of random data.
     public bool zeroise {

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