[Pkg-privacy-maintainers] process update proposal: new membership process clarification (v2)

Georg Faerber georg at riseup.net
Wed Oct 17 20:26:44 BST 2018

On 18-10-17 15:16:21, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On Wed 2018-10-17 18:44:23 +0000, Georg Faerber wrote:
> > All in all this sounds good to me; minor nitpick: Before, this was an
> > "either ... or ...", now it's an "either ... and ...".
> You're absolutely right, this is why we have a review process!  Thanks
> for catching this.


> I'm modifying the proposal to avoid this infelicity, so the earlier
> proposal is withdrawn.  I've revised the patch so that it now
> highlights the explanatory message to the mailing list as the required
> step.  Version 2 of the proposal is now:

Sounds good, just one last minor nitpick from my side:

>  1.1. Request to join:
> -  Anyone who is not a team member may request to become one either via
> -  means specific to the infrastructure currently used by the team
> -  (e.g. membership request on GitLab) or by writing to the team
> -  mailing list. A request is then handled using the normal
> -  decision-making process (defined below).
> +  Anyone who is not a team member may request to become one by by


> +  writing to the team mailing list with a short explanation of how
> +  they intend to contribute to the team.  They may also use means
> +  specific to the infrastructure currently used by the team
> +  (e.g. membership request on GitLab), but an explanatory introduction
> +  e-mail still needs to go to the team mailing list.
> +
> +  Once the explanation has been sent to the team mailing list, a
> +  request to join is then handled using the normal decision-making
> +  process (defined below).
>  1.2 Proposal to expel:

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