[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#536498: Please backport roundcube CVE-2008-5619

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Sat Jul 11 10:17:35 UTC 2009

OoO Vers la fin de l'après-midi du vendredi 10 juillet 2009, vers 16:21,
Benjamin Bannier <benni at netronaut.de> disait :

> I have roundcube installed from backports, and I see people
> exploiting roundcube CVE-2008-5619
> (http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1485618).

> Any chances the fix mentioned there could be backported to etch?

Ubuntu has a patch  for this version, so we should be  able to provide a
backport for Etch:

However, the  backport is really old and  a lot of bugs  have been fixed
since then. Unfortunately, a more recent roundcube version would require
to backport a lot of dependencies for PHP.

Romain, would you like to apply the mentioned patch to the backport?
L'avantage du fromage sur les amricains, 
 c'est qu'il y a une culture dedans. 
 -+- MZ in: Guide du Cabaliste Usenet - chapitre 9 - le gros 8 -+-
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