[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#599586: BAD HEADER by amavisd-new when sending attachment from roundcube

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Mon Oct 18 17:37:49 UTC 2010

OoO Pendant  le temps de midi  du dimanche 10 octobre  2010, vers 12:46,
Jort Koopmans <jort.koopmans at gmail.com> disait :

>> > I have  tested with  roundcube from squeeze  sending mail to  an amavisd
>> > from lenny. I do not get a BAD HEADER SECTION. However, the Content-Type
>> > header contains the boundary twice.  It think this may be related. Could
>> > you check what Content-Type do you get in your quarantined message?

> X-PHP-Originating-Script: 0:func.inc
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
>  boundary="=_fce46910f3b128bcbbfed9efa85812c9";
>  boundary="=_fce46910f3b128bcbbfed9efa85812c9"

> Thats a double indeed i'd say.

Could you apply  the attached patch? It fixes the problem  for me. If it
also fixes your problem, I will do an upload shortly.

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