[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] roundcube update script

Sandro Knauß bugs at sandroknauss.de
Thu Mar 19 01:29:28 UTC 2015


> I'm not a Debian developer or a maintainer of this package, but I think
> you should NOT remove the old configuration file if it was modified. I
> would be very annoyed if the upgrade went wrong in some way and it
> deleted my old configuration file.
> If the file is unmodified, I can see the case for removing it, but it's
> probably not necessary to worry about that special case.

If I simply wanted to remove old configfiles i would use rm :) But that what 
you describe is actually the the normal life of any configfile, that's why I'm 
quite sure that I there is a way to tell dpkg that this and that configfile is 
now outdated...

I found in the meanwhile:
dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile 

but this didn't delete the files. Or do i have to add this to every helper 
preinst,postinst and postrm to work?



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