[rrdtool-maint] python3-rrdtool patch (#883164)

Jean-Michel Vourgère nirgal at debian.org
Thu Feb 8 10:27:04 UTC 2018

Hello Matthias

On Monday, 4 December 2017 12:59:45 CET you wrote:
> updated patch attached

Thank you very much for your python3-rrdtool patch [1]
It would have taken me ages to do that! <3

A few questions:

- You added build-dependencies on cython, cython3, cython-dbg, cython3-dbg. I 
can't find the use. Do you remember why?

- You seem to known python packaging quite well. I move the debug version of 
the python3 .so file into the -dbg package, where the python2 debug .so was. I 
guess this is better than always distrubuting both debug and non-debug 
version. But this prevent the transition to automatic -dbgsym packages. Have 
you heard about this problem? (#886181)

- You did a pettry good job at publishing an ubuntu 1.7 version. It's a pitty 
I only found out after I packaged the 1.7 for Debian. Would you like to join 
the packaging team? Two people are leaving, and I'm the only active member 
since 2014.

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?

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