[DRE-maint] Cruisecontrol.rb

James Healy jimmy at deefa.com
Fri Apr 20 06:35:48 UTC 2007

I like where this is going, as it will make the job of the rails apps
packager (ie. me in this case) much easier.

filipe wrote:
> Well, the packages for mongrel and mongrel_cluster are almost ready.
> I´m just waiting for Zed to upload mongrel 1.0.2, because this release
> will contain a tgz file and so I can get rid of the code that deals
> with gem source package.

Are pre-release copies available somewhere for me to work with in the
interim? I can see some mongrel work in packages-wip, but not

-- James Healy <jimmy-at-deefa.com>  Fri, 20 Apr 2007 16:22:28 +1000
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