[DRE-maint] Vcs-* fields for Ruby packages

Gioele Barabucci gioele at svario.it
Sat Sep 21 04:58:48 UTC 2013


I am currently experimenting with packaging a small Ruby gem [1] into a 
proper Debian package. I am documenting my progress on a github repo.

What should I write in the Vcs-* fields? Do that fields refer to the VCS 
for the debian package (so they should be commented out until they are 
accepted in pkg-ruby-extras) or to the VCS of the upstream project?


[1] https://rubygems.org/gems/filepath
[2] https://github.com/gioele/test-debian-gem-packaging

Gioele Barabucci <gioele at svario.it>

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