[DRE-maint] Comments on the wiki and offer of package

Martín Ferrari tincho at debian.org
Tue Mar 25 05:32:42 UTC 2014

Hey there!

I was writing this on IRC, but I guess most people are sleeping by now :)

So, first, I wanted to point out some problems I've found in the wiki
page about packaging ruby stuff [1]:

* The section about gem2deb instructs to git-clone the repo, but there
is already an updated package in the archive, so this seems a bit weird.
* It is missing a section on what to do about ~> dependencies in the gem.
* Probably it should warn about the commented-out lines in
debian/control, I was not too sure why the dependencies were like that.
I guess it is because it cannot find the right package name?

On a related note, I am finally working on a ruby app for which I filed
an ITP a long time ago [2], and it would probably make sense to put it
under the team umbrella. So if this is of any interest for you, I'd
happily upload to your git repo. Do I need to ask for team membership?

Thanks, Tincho.

[1]: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging
[2]: https://bugs.debian.org/714405

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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