[DRE-maint] Bug#768723: Is this FTBfS cause by pry?

Yukiharu YABUKI yabuki at netfort.gr.jp
Mon Nov 17 15:32:01 UTC 2014

Hello, there

I checked build log. This build log tells us pry should put
"*[spc][spc]" but, pry replied "*[spc]".

Lucas, Can you check pry build in sbuild? if pry gives "*[spc]"
is pry's bug, but pry gives "*[spc][spc]" is not pry's bug.
If pry echos two spaces, test framework or low level
(Maybe in buffering?) has a bug.

That is why, It is difficult to reproduce this bug.

I rebuild pry and test "def x" by hand. I checked
pry echos two spaces.

Lucas, please try your binary. and try to test "def x" by hand.


Yukiharu Yabuki (矢吹幸治)                      I use Debian GNU/Linux
mail: yabuki at netfort.gr.jp

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