[DRE-maint] Bug#814713: gitlab failes to start under systemd with: Dependency failed for GitLab Service.

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Sun Feb 14 15:20:33 UTC 2016


Quoting Johannes Schauer (2016-02-14 15:23:27)
> Any ideas?

I have a theory. Could it be that you assume the content of /var/run to be
persistent between reboots? And thus you rely on your postinst script creating
/var/run/gitlab and then assume it must exist after the next reboot as well?

Please read the FHS chapter on /var/run:


So /var/run/gitlab/pids and /var/run/gitlab/sockets must be recreated every
time gitlab starts if necessary.


cheers, josch
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