[DRE-maint] Bug#872434: gitlab: JavaScript Error 'Uncaught ReferenceError: fuzzaldrinPlus is not defined'

Patrik Hagedorn patrik.hagedorn at profitbricks.com
Wed Oct 11 09:35:39 UTC 2017

Dear Maintainer,

we were trying to solve the problem and found a workaround or proof that the libjs-fuzzaldrin-plus package is not providing the expected content: 
$ sudo rm -v /usr/share/javascript/fuzzaldrin/*
$ sudo wget -O /usr/share/javascript/fuzzaldrin/fuzzaldrin-plus.js https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/raw/v8.13.11/vendor/assets/javascripts/fuzzaldrin-plus.js
$ sudo runuser -u git -- sh -c 'cd /usr/share/gitlab && . /etc/gitlab/gitlab-debian.conf && export DB RAILS_ENV && rake assets:precompile'
$ sudo service gitlab-unicorn reload # or a restart
Note: For proper reload of unicorn you need the changes from: https://bugs.debian.org/877778

The upstream project's sources seems to provide a different version than the version provided by the libjs-fuzzaldrin-plus package:

Please fix the libjs-fuzzaldrin-plus package.

Patrik Hagedorn
System Developer - Data Center Automation

ProfitBricks GmbH
Greifswalder Str. 207
D - 10405 Berlin

Email: patrik.hagedorn at profitbricks.com
URL:   https://www.profitbricks.de

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 125506 B
Geschäftsführer: Achim Weiss, Matthias Steinberg

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