[DRE-maint] Bug#952034: ruby-jekyll-sitemap: FTBFS: ERROR: Test "ruby2.5" failed: NoMethodError:

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at debian.org
Sun Feb 23 07:45:46 GMT 2020

Source: ruby-jekyll-sitemap
Version: 1.4.0-1
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: buster sid
Usertags: ftbfs-20200222 ftbfs-buster


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
>       NoMethodError:
>         undefined method `expect' for #<RSpec::ExampleGroups::JekyllJekyllSitemap::Collections:0x00005556d8ecfb88>
>         Did you mean?  exec
>       # ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:56:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
> Finished in 1.53 seconds (files took 0.36077 seconds to load)
> 39 examples, 39 failures
> Failed examples:
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:48 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap puts all the posts in the sitemap.xml file
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:34 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap doesn't have multiple new lines or trailing whitespace
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:44 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap only strips 'index.html' from end of permalink
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:39 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap puts all the pages in the sitemap.xml file
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:95 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does include assets or any static files with .xhtml and .htm extensions
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:82 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap puts all the static HTML files in the sitemap.xml file
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:26 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap has no layout
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:86 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does not include assets or any static files that aren't .html
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:118 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does not include posts that have set 'sitemap: false'
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:113 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does not include any static files that have set 'sitemap: false'
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:109 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does not include any static files that have set 'sitemap: false'
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:30 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap creates a sitemap.xml file
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:122 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does not include pages that have set 'sitemap: false'
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:130 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap correctly formats timestamps of static files
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:91 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap converts static index.html files to permalink version
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:76 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap generates the correct date for each of the posts
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:134 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap includes the correct number of items
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:100 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does include assets or any static files with .pdf extension
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:126 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does not include the 404 page
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:104 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap does not include any static files named 404.html
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:167 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with a baseurl adds baseurl to robots.txt
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:161 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with a baseurl correctly adds the baseurl to the posts
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:148 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with a baseurl correctly adds the baseurl to the static files
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:156 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with a baseurl correctly adds the baseurl to the pages
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:152 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with a baseurl correctly adds the baseurl to the collections
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:187 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with urls that needs URI encoding does not double-escape urls
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:178 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with urls that needs URI encoding performs URI encoding of site url
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:202 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with urls that needs URI encoding readme renders liquid
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:194 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with urls that needs URI encoding readme has no layout
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:198 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with urls that needs URI encoding readme creates a robots.txt file
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:243 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with user-defined robots.txt as a page at root doesn't override the robots file
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:251 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with user-defined robots.txt as a page with permalink in a subdir doesn't override the robots file
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:227 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with user-defined robots.txt as a static-file at source-root doesn't override the robots file
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:235 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap with user-defined robots.txt as a static-file in a subdir generates a valid robot.txt
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:67 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap collections doesn't remove filename for non-directory custom permalinks
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:63 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap collections remove 'index.html' for directory custom permalinks
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:71 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap collections performs URI encoding of site paths
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:59 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap collections doesn't put all the `output:false` into sitemap.xml
> rspec ./spec/jekyll-sitemap_spec.rb:55 # Jekyll::JekyllSitemap collections puts all the `output:true` into sitemap.xml
> Randomized with seed 26523
> /usr/bin/ruby2.5 -I/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-support-3.9.2/lib:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.9.1/lib /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.9.1/exe/rspec --pattern spec/\*\*\{,/\*/\*\*\}/\*_spec.rb failed
> ERROR: Test "ruby2.5" failed: 

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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