[DRE-maint] Bug#996294: Change in webrick 1.7.0 is causing a problem with the tests in Ruby 2.7 (at least)

Daniel Leidert dleidert at debian.org
Sun Nov 28 03:55:49 GMT 2021

I did some debugging on the issue reported that the tests fail after adding
ruby-webrick 1.7.0 to b-d for Ruby 3.0.

The problem is in parse_header() (lib/httpclient/session.rb) in the line

828             line = socket.gets("\n")

With webrick 1.7.0 it stalls here. This is caused by this small change in


If I revert this, the tests no longer timeout and succeed under Ruby 2.7.

Regards, Daniel
Daniel Leidert <dleidert at debian.org> | https://www.wgdd.de/
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