[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#1064374: rust-gtk-layer-shell-sys: Depends on obsolete rust-gtk

Jeremy Bícha jeremy.bicha at canonical.com
Tue Feb 20 22:22:36 GMT 2024

Source: rust-gtk-layer-shell-sys
Version: 0.7.0-1
Severity: serious
X-Debbugs-CC: maytha8thedev at gmail.com, sylvestre at debian.org

rust-gtk-layer-shell-sys (and rust-gtk-layer-shell) depends on
rust-gtk which is the old GTK3 library that is no longer maintained.
rust-gtk is only in Debian because of squeekboard.

Please instead package https://crates.io/crates/gtk4-layer-shell and
encourage apps using the old rust-gtk-layer-shell to switch to the
gtk4 version.

Please let me know if there is a reason we should not file a removal
bug for rust-gtk-layer-shell-sys (which only appeared in Debian this

On behalf of the Debian Rust Maintainers,
Jeremy Bícha

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