[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Rust versions and the coming freeze for Stretch

Steve Klabnik steve at steveklabnik.com
Thu Jan 5 16:29:02 UTC 2017

Hey all,

It has been recently pointed out to me[1] that the release of Rust
1.15 is on Feb 2, and the freeze for Stretch is Feb 5. But that it
also appears that it takes ten days for something to migrate from
testing. Is this a hard limit? Which version will end up being in

This matters a lot because 1.15 is going to have one very significant
feature, "macros 1.1", which lets a few major crates move from nightly
to stable. I would hate to see it miss the release this narrowly, and
then have issues later with regards to packaging applications on

- Steve

1: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/5m1vsk/librsvg_a_significant_package_on_many_linux/dc0oqnl/?context=1

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