Bug#665779: Window corner re-size events ignored by SDL

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 20:47:40 UTC 2012


(Including the bug report again in the recipient addresses).

2012/4/10 Andrew Caudwell <acaudwell at gmail.com>:
> This is the fix identified in the comments on #1430 which is to revert #1049
> (http://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1049) which makes SDL wait for a
> window event with a specific width/height that never arrives. I didn't
> change anything else.
> I've tested the patched debian package with KDE and Gnome3 and it fixes the
> issue in wesnoth and also my application.

Good, thanks.  I am trying to get a new version, hopefully it'll be
uploaded soon, if nothing goes wrong.

I tried to reproduce it with several games (unknown-horizons, trophy,
flare) but they don't seem to allow resizing the window at all.
Wesnoth is to big for me to download at this moment.  So if you could
please keep an eye during the next few days and confirm that the
upload fixes the problem, it would be great.


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