wheezy-backports security upload

Matthew Vernon matthew at debian.org
Mon Mar 30 12:24:11 UTC 2015

On 30/03/15 13:21, Ferenc Wagner wrote:

> I've got no idea why you got the "Not accepted by any per-suite acl"
> reject, though...

There's a different ACL for wheezy-backports; I've asked to be added to
it (which should be a formality), and will then upload again.

>>> According to http://backports.debian.org/Contribute/ I'm asking for a
>>> BSA number now.
>> Will you write the announcement?
> I can, but I'm not sure my signature would cut it.  Also, who is the
> <Uploader>?  Anyway, I imagine something like this:

Oh, yes, good point. Thanks for the text, though, which I will
shamelessly steal once we have a BSA number :)



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