[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#677097: bootclean might be a red herring

Alan Chandler alan at chandlerfamily.org.uk
Wed Jun 20 04:59:08 UTC 2012

I have been conducting some experiments altering /lib/init/bootclean.sh

Firstly I realise my previous message was a mistake in the sense that I 
should have removed the quotes around the find parameters.  Even so, 
with the quotes removed all that the ! -xtype d seems to do is prevent 
the actual directories from being listed but does NOT prevent listing of 
files within the subdirectories being listed (and therefore deleted).  
One can prevent this with a -maxdepth 1 .  However ...

I tried commenting out all the lines which clean parts of /run entirely 
from bootclean and then rebooting, and my problems with udevd reporting 
failure to write to the queue file still existed, so although this might 
be a contributory factor, I don't think it is the prime cause of my woes.

Alan Chandler

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