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<META name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <META name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> <title>Corporate Business Loan#20</title>
<body> <P>Hello pkg-utopia-maintainers,</p><p><BR>Are you looking for project funding for (Real estate, Energy, Oil & gas, Biotech and Other projects) your company or that of your clients?<BR>We are looking for US-based projects as priority ( we will review global/ Non-U.S as secondary).<BR>We provide alternative capital funding for projects in the industries listed above. There are exceptions to the norm with some projects).<BR>Regrettably, most projects are lost due to poor funding. We have the right solution for you. We have funded many projects around the globe and we will love to be a part of your journey.<BR>If you have any project(s) that fits our specifcation, please reach out to us, so we can discuss further arrangements. Thank you. In anticipation.</p><p>Best Regards,<BR>Trust Funds Capital.<BR>Luis Osorio<BR>Chief Financial Officer</P></body>