[pkg-uWSGI-devel] Bug#801509: This is a serious bug in my opinion

Adrian Smarzewski adrian.smarzewski at silvercoders.com
Thu Jul 14 14:38:56 UTC 2016

This is a serious bug in my opinion. Webpages using 
libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi on Debian Jessie are unusable for all Google 
Chrome users.

Please increase the priority of this bug. It is fixed in mainstream, so 
it should be fast and easy to fix it.

Adrian Smarzewski         SILVERCODERS(R) - "Quality and Competence"
http://silvercoders.com                   Foksal 18, 00-372 Warszawa
50% zysku dla dystrybutorów, zapraszamy!     tel. +48 (22) 213 91 14
https://wizytowka.rzetelnafirma.pl/WHYCR231  fax. +48 (22) 213 91 15

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