[Pkg-xen-devel] NetworkManager problems with xen bridging

Sally-Anne Edwards sallyanne.edwards at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 31 20:43:43 UTC 2008

I've noticed that with NetworkManager running in dom0, there is a lot
of bad behaviour on the bridge interface

After xend creates the bridge (using the sample network-bridge script
in the package), the real interface is known as peth0

NetworkManager starts dhclient on peth0, which means the following:
- peth0 gets it's own IP, maybe not the same as the bridge IP
- a second default route is added to the routing table
- the resolv.conf file sometimes becomes screwed up, depending on what
values come back from the DHCP server

This all seems quite messy.  NetworkManager seems to be installed by
default in lenny.  Is it safe to remove with dpkg --purge?

 Can anyone suggest other strategies for dealing with this?

Could the xen bridge script do something to stop NetworkManager
getting it's hands on this interface?

 Should the xen package warn about this?

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