[Pkg-xen-devel] Xen status in lenny?

Laurent Léonard laurent at open-minds.org
Thu Oct 9 19:14:47 UTC 2008

Le jeudi 09 octobre 2008 à 08:30, Paul van der Vlis a écrit :
> I think the translation is:
> ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device.

msgid "No such device"
msgstr "Onjuist apparaat"
Yes you are right. 

OK let's try manually : 

# Shut down the network
/etc/init.d/networking stop

# At this time ifconfig should only show you the loopback interface and the 
routing table should be empty. 

# Create the bridge
brctl addbr xenbr0

# Add the physical interface to the bridge
brctl addif xenbr0 eth1

# Set up network configuration for the bridge (and automatically add the route 
to the local network)
ifconfig xenbr0

# Turn the state of eth1 into learning
ifconfig eth1 up

# Now you should be able to communicate with your local network

# Add the default route to get Internet access
route add -net default gw YOUR_GATEWAY

# Now you should be able to communicate with Internet

Could you give me the output of those commands ?

Mmm about the gateway, you gave me this configuration : 
>> iface xenbr0 inet static
>>        bridge_ports eth1
>>        address
>>        netmask
>>        broadcast
If you don't specifiy the gateway (or add manually the default route), you 
should not be able to connect to SSH from the Internet... 

Laurent Léonard
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