[Pkg-xen-devel] Bug#990717: Bug#990717: xen-system-amd64: Microcode isn't loaded when booting in xen mode

Andy Smith andy at strugglers.net
Mon Jul 5 15:35:37 BST 2021


On Mon, Jul 05, 2021 at 03:13:17PM +0200, José L. Fernández Jambrina wrote:
> When booting in Xen mode my system doen't load microcode,

It is my understanding that when booting the hypervisor it is the
hypervisor's job to load microcode, and it won't do so unless you
have something like:


in your hypervisor command line, e.g. by putting:


in /etc/default/grub.

Do you have something like that?

That will cause the hypervisor to scan the other boot files (kernel
and initramfs) for microcode to apply, like the kernel itself would
otherwise do.

It works for me, anyway.


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