[Popcon-developers] Bug#414865: popularity-contest: A script to filter requested/recommended/suggested packages

Christophe Lohr Christophe.Lohr at telecom-bretagne.eu
Thu May 7 11:05:29 UTC 2009

Hello Bill,
  Thank you for your remarks.

Bill Allombert a écrit :
> Hello Christophe,
> I am afraid your script does not work accurately:
> 1) you do not remove dependencies from package that are not installed
> but still in dpkg database (not in 'ok installed' state).
I think the new version (see attachment) answers the issue you point out.

> 2) you do not remove dependency from other OLD packages recursively.
IMHO, it is not desirable (yet).
The tool suggests a list of package to remove. However it is the
responsability to the administrator to descide to actually remove or not
packets. The tool can't make assumptions about such a descision.
As a comparison, it is the difference between "deborphan" and "orphaner"
You want something like "orphaner", but I propose something like
"deborphan" ;-)


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