[Python-apps-team] Gopi Gita Now Available

contactus at equalsouls.org contactus at equalsouls.org
Tue Jul 21 19:55:48 UTC 2009


 								Here at last!

 								Unprecedented sweetness on every page.

 								* 								 								*

 								Finally the book is here. After a wonderful
								reception and many sales in the US and Europe, 								the
book is now available for online orders.

 								This most recent work by Srila BV Narayana 								Gosvami
Maharaja continues to receive raving 								reviews from readers.
Gopi-gita/ 								/is filled with the delicate 								artwork that
you have come to expect from 								Gaudiya Vedanta Publications.

 								With Audio CD and booklet featuring Srila 								Maharaja
chanting and reciting the original 								Gopi-gita verses in
Sanskrit, with discourse and 								discussion.

 								 								Includes a unique fold-out poster of newly
								painted artwork by Manjari dasi depicting 								Gopi-gita,
under the direct guidance of Srila 								Maharaja. 

 								 								A book so beautiful, you’ll find it hard to put
								it down.

 								Visit 								 								our store
 								to place your order now.

 * 								 *

 * 								 								 *

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