[Python-modules-team] scapy upload

Piotr Ożarowski piotr at debian.org
Fri May 11 21:37:55 UTC 2007

[David Villa, 11.05.2007]
> Hello:
> Please, can somebody upload my scapy package? My previous sponsor is
> very busy at this moment.

Few comments:
* was 1.1.1-1 uploaded? It seems like it wasn't. Please move all entries
  from -2 to -1 in the changelog 
* please use quilt / dpatch / simple-patchsys so that all files except
  debian dir can be removed from the SVN
* README.Debian is outdated, remove it
* add informations about your packaging copyrights in debian/copyright
* pycompat=4 - huh? remove this file
* add one more space before Homepage: pseudo header

-=[     Piotr Ozarowski     ]=-
-=[ http://www.ozarowski.pl ]=-
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