[Python-modules-team] Bug#947613: network-manager: Wi-Fi not working (does not get IPv4 address) with 1.22.2-1

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Sat Jan 4 19:31:18 GMT 2020


I maybe interpreting this wrong, but maybe the regression in the
autopkgtest of python-dbusmock is pointing in the same direction. That
would make it very reproducible.

Otherwise that regression deserves its own bug report.




FAIL: test_eth_and_wifi (__main__.TestNetworkManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_networkmanager.py", line 138, in test_eth_and_wifi
    self.assertRegex(out, r'eth0.*\sdisconnected')
AssertionError: Regex didn't match: 'eth0.*\\sdisconnected' not found in
'DEVICE  TYPE      STATE    CONNECTION \neth0    ethernet  unknown  --
       \nwlan0   wifi      unknown  --         \n'

FAIL: test_one_eth_connected (__main__.TestNetworkManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_networkmanager.py", line 115, in test_one_eth_connected
    self.assertRegex(out, r'eth0.*\sconnected')
AssertionError: Regex didn't match: 'eth0.*\\sconnected' not found in
'DEVICE  TYPE      STATE    CONNECTION \neth0    ethernet  unknown  --

FAIL: test_one_eth_disconnected (__main__.TestNetworkManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_networkmanager.py", line 109, in test_one_eth_disconnected
    self.assertRegex(out, r'eth0.*\sdisconnected')
AssertionError: Regex didn't match: 'eth0.*\\sdisconnected' not found in
'DEVICE  TYPE      STATE    CONNECTION \neth0    ethernet  unknown  --

FAIL: test_one_wifi_with_accesspoints (__main__.TestNetworkManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_networkmanager.py", line 155, in
    self.assertRegex(out, r'wlan0.*\sconnected')
AssertionError: Regex didn't match: 'wlan0.*\\sconnected' not found in
'DEVICE  TYPE  STATE    CONNECTION \nwlan0   wifi  unknown  --         \n'

FAIL: test_remove_connection (__main__.TestNetworkManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_networkmanager.py", line 349, in test_remove_connection
    self.assertRegex(self.read_device(), r'wlan0.*\sdisconnected')
AssertionError: Regex didn't match: 'wlan0.*\\sdisconnected' not found
in 'DEVICE  TYPE  STATE    CONNECTION \nwlan0   wifi  unknown  --

FAIL: test_two_eth (__main__.TestNetworkManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_networkmanager.py", line 123, in test_two_eth
    self.assertRegex(out, r'eth0.*\sdisconnected')
AssertionError: Regex didn't match: 'eth0.*\\sdisconnected' not found in
'DEVICE  TYPE      STATE    CONNECTION \neth0    ethernet  unknown  --
       \neth1    ethernet  unknown  --         \n'

FAIL: test_two_wifi_with_accesspoints (__main__.TestNetworkManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_networkmanager.py", line 179, in
    self.assertRegex(out, r'wlan0.*\sconnected')
AssertionError: Regex didn't match: 'wlan0.*\\sconnected' not found in
'DEVICE  TYPE  STATE    CONNECTION \nwlan0   wifi  unknown  --
\nwlan1   wifi  unknown  --         \n'

FAIL: test_wifi_without_access_points (__main__.TestNetworkManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_networkmanager.py", line 130, in
    self.assertRegex(out, r'wlan0.*\sconnected')
AssertionError: Regex didn't match: 'wlan0.*\\sconnected' not found in
'DEVICE  TYPE  STATE    CONNECTION \nwlan0   wifi  unknown  --         \n'

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