<pre>Dear 💜 You have pending messages (3) from Amy! View messages: https://cutt.us/iGDEQ?ktlilc 💜,
I wanted to thank you for recommending our Pray-it Say-it site.
It means a lot to me, that you would take the extra time and effort
to send your friend a note.
We are working hard to provide tools that help promote the power of
prayer, but it takes people like you who are willing to spread the
word, for this site to be effective.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions on how we
can make Pray-it Say-it better. We're here to serve you. Just reply
to this email or drop us a note at info@prayercentral.net.
We are also looking for people who could give us feedback on new
features as they develop. Would you be willing to do that? If so,
just send us a note at info@prayercentral.net and we'll keep you
informed of new developments.
Thanks again for your time, and for your heart to promote the power
of prayer.
Yours in the only fight worth fighting,
Kathleen Dillard
a ministry feature of www.prayercentral.net
PS- Be sure and check out our stuff at www.prayercentral.net.
Prayer Guy Sez- "If you're not praying, you don't have a prayer."</pre>