[Resolvconf-devel] Bug#436990: Resolvconf doesn't deal gracefully with IPv4-only pdnsd

Juliusz Chroboczek Juliusz.Chroboczek at pps.jussieu.fr
Thu Aug 9 23:31:50 UTC 2007

Package: resolvconf
Version: 1.37

I've recently mis-configured my DNS resolver (pdnsd) so that it didn't
grok IPv6.  The result was that when a script tried to configure pdnsd
with an IPv6 DNS server, resolvconf merely printed an error.

To reproduce, install pdnsd and make sure that there is no
``run_ipv4'' stanza in your pdnsd.conf.  Then run:

  echo 'nameserver 2001:660:3301:8061:290:27ff:feac:7980' | resolvconf -a eth0


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