[sane-devel] USB Scanner Problem

Jan Rüdiger sane at dummgebabbel.de
Tue Aug 26 07:23:39 BST 2003


Peter Kirchgessner wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> is this scanner really a HP ScanJet 4200c. USB says that it is a ScanJet 
> 6200c. But that doesn't matter.
> After the first (and only) scan has completed, do the following:

yes it is a 6200c, sorry. My main Problem is why does it work only the 
first time? Do i need a special config file for accessing the scanner 
via libusb? I also already tried all the tips with /dev/usbscanner 
connect-device in the ho.conf.

SANE_DEBUG_HP=255 scanimage -L reports:
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of hp to 255.
[hp] sane_init called
[hp] hp_init: global.is_up = 1
[hp] sane_init will finish with Success
[hp] sane_get_devices called
[hp] hp_read_config: hp backend v1.01 starts reading config file
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <scsi HP>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# Uncomment the following if you 
have "Error during device I/O" on SCSI>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <#   option dumb-read>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <#>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# The usual place for a 
SCSI-scanner on Linux>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <#>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# USB-scanners supported by the 
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# HP ScanJet 4100C>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <usb 0x03f0 0x0101>
[hp] hp_attach_matching_devices: attach matching scsi HP
[hp] hp_attach: "/dev/sg2"
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] hp_get_dev: New device /dev/sg2, connect-scsi, scsi-request=1
[hp] sanei_hp_device_new: /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] scsi_new: open failed (Invalid argument)
[hp] /dev/sg2: Can't open scsi device
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# HP ScanJet 5200C>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <usb 0x03f0 0x0401>
[hp] hp_attach_matching_devices: usb attach matching "usb 0x03f0 0x0101"
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# HP ScanJet 62X0C>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <usb 0x03f0 0x0201>
[hp] hp_attach_matching_devices: usb attach matching "usb 0x03f0 0x0401"
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# HP ScanJet 63X0C>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <usb 0x03f0 0x0601>
[hp] hp_attach_matching_devices: usb attach matching "usb 0x03f0 0x0201"
[hp] hp_attach: "libusb:001:002"
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching libusb:001:002
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check libusb:001:002
[hp] hp_get_dev: New device libusb:001:002, connect-usb, scsi-request=0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_new: libusb:001:002
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching libusb:001:002
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check libusb:001:002
[hp] hp_nonscsi_open: open usb with "libusb:001:002"
[hp] scsi_flush: writing 2 bytes:
[hp]  0x0000  1B 45                                            .E
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching libusb:001:002
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check libusb:001:002
[hp] scsi_flush: writing 7 bytes:
[hp]  0x0000  1B 2A 73 32 35 37 45                             .*s257E
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching libusb:001:002
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check libusb:001:002
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching libusb:001:002
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check libusb:001:002
[hp] scl_inq: read failed (End of file reached)
[hp] scl_errcheck: Can't read SCL error stack: End of file reached
[hp] hp_nonscsi_device_new: SCL reset failed
[hp] scsi_close: closing fd 0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching libusb:001:002
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check /dev/sg2
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check libusb:001:002
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <#>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# Uncomment the following if your 
scanner is connected by USB,>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# but you are not using libusb>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <# /dev/usb/scanner0>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line <#   option connect-device>
[hp] hp_read_config: attach usb 0x03f0 0x0601
[hp] hp_attach_matching_devices: usb attach matching "usb 0x03f0 0x0601"
[hp] hp_read_config: reset to default config
[hp] sane_get_devices will finish with Success

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
[hp] sane_exit called
[hp] hp_destroy: global.is_up = 0
[hp] sane_exit will finish

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