[sane-devel] Canon LiDE30

Nobody Here wdls@hotmail.com
Tue, 13 Jul 2004 04:39:37 +0000

scanimage -L does not work as root either.
with debug, run as root:

[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of plustek to 255.
[plustek] Plustek backend V0.46-9, part of sane-backends 1.0.13
[plustek] >[usb]<
[plustek] section contains no device name, ignored!
[plustek] next device uses autodetection
[plustek] ... next device
[plustek] >device auto<
[plustek] Decoding device name >auto<
[plustek] >usb 0x4a9 0x220e<
[plustek] ignoring >usb 0x4a9 0x220e<
[plustek] attach (auto, 0xbfff3c00, (nil))
[plustek] Device configuration:
[plustek] device name  : >auto<
[plustek] USB-ID       : ><
[plustek] warmup       : -1s
[plustek] lampOff      : -1
[plustek] lampOffOnEnd : yes
[plustek] cacheCalData : no
[plustek] altCalibrate : no
[plustek] skipCalibr.  : no
[plustek] skipFine     : no
[plustek] skipFineWhite: no
[plustek] invertNegs.  : no
[plustek] pos_x        : 0
[plustek] pos_y        : 0
[plustek] pos_shading_y: -1
[plustek] neg_x        : 0
[plustek] neg_y        : 0
[plustek] neg_shading_y: -1
[plustek] tpa_x        : 0
[plustek] tpa_y        : 0
[plustek] tpa_shading_y: -1
[plustek] red gain     : -1
[plustek] green gain   : -1
[plustek] blue gain    : -1
[plustek] red Gamma    : 1.00
[plustek] green Gamma  : 1.00
[plustek] blue Gamma   : 1.00
[plustek] gray Gamma   : 1.00
[plustek] ---------------------
[plustek] drvopen()
[plustek] usbDev_open(auto,)
[plustek] Autodetection...
[plustek] Checking for 0x07b3-0x0010
[plustek] Checking for 0x04a9-0x220e
[plustek] Found device at >libusb:002:005<
[plustek] open failed: -1
[plustek] sane_get_devices (0xbfff5d08, 0)
[plustek] sane_exit

No scanners were identified. ...

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