Bug#327043: [sane-devel] LiDE 25 issues

Gerhard Jaeger gerhard at gjaeger.de
Fri Sep 9 08:17:54 UTC 2005


On Thursday 08 September 2005 18:46, Julien BLACHE wrote:
> Rogier Wolff <R.E.Wolff at BitWizard.nl> wrote:
> > One of you needs to help me a bit in how to easily and quickly compile
> > and test a new version.
> >
> > I have the debian sources in ~/xxx/sane-backends-1.0.16 and when I
> > typed something like "debbuild" I got a libsane_1.0.16-1_i386.deb
> > . However, I have the impression that if I go and change a source file
> > in there, and do the "debbuild" again, it will untar and patch the
> debuild builds the sources it finds in the current directory, and
> doesn't proceed to untarring + patching the sources, so your
> modifications are safe.
> > source files again, and undo my changes. Moreover, the build takes
> > quite a while, even though I have a reasonably powerful
> > workstation. So I would like to do "make" somewhere, so that "make"
> You can edit debian/rules and add BACKENDS=plustek just before
> ./configure (on the same line). Only the plustek backend will be
> built, which will considerably speed up the build :)
> > will figure out that only backends/plustek-usb.c has been changed, and
> > that it only needs to rebuild from there. I'm happy then manuall
> > copying over the ".so" file into my system directory.
> cd backend && make ;) Be aware that most backends #include other .c
> files, and the Makefiles currently don't take that into account. In
> this case, you need to manually touch the main source file for the
> backend (plustek.c in this case).
> > Tell me which parameters are most likely to need tweaking....
> I'll leave that part up to Gerhard :)


I'm currently in a hurry (have to paint my new house, do some other "real"
work before moving next saturday), but let's try to give some instructions:

find the file plustek-usbdevs.c
find the entries for LiDE25 (static HWDef Hw0x04A9_0x2220 around line 2308
and the masterclock divider settings for various scan resolutions:
MODEL_CANON1200, 8, 51, 3, around line 2575 ).

- you might want to tweak the overall maxMotorSpeed and/or maxMoveSpeed
- or you check first which resolutions didn't work correctly and tweak the
  mclk for this resolution.
- always try to scan somewhere in the middle of the area to check that the
  movement works
- for these tests you might want to use calibration-cache to speed up the
  show a bit

NOTE: before compiling, always do a touch backend/plustek.c to make sure
      the backend gets compiled...

I hope I'll find some time to recheck your efforts/questions the next days.
Please be patient with me, I hope to be really online again in late

Good luck

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