[sane-devel] Unsupported scanner: PIE primefilm 2700

Peter Bloem p at peterbloem.nl
Sun Jan 4 11:35:04 UTC 2009

The submission form on the website gives gives an error in German, so
I'll send the information this way too:

Pacific Image Electronics
Primefilm 2700

vendor id:  0x05E3
product id: 0x0129
chipset:    PS005

It's a USB film scanner. On the inside there are several chips. The
largest and most prominent one has the following text on it:


A smaller one says GL640USB.

Here is the output from sane-find-scanner:

<device descriptor of 0x05e3/0x0129 at 005:003 (USB Scanner)>
bLength               18
bDescriptorType       1
bcdUSB                1.00
bDeviceClass          0
bDeviceSubClass       0
bDeviceProtocol       0
bMaxPacketSize0       8
idVendor              0x05E3
idProduct             0x0129
bcdDevice             0.00
iManufacturer         0 ()
iProduct              1 (USB Scanner)
iSerialNumber         0 ()
bNumConfigurations    1
 <configuration 0>
 bLength              9
 bDescriptorType      2
 wTotalLength         32
 bNumInterfaces       1
 bConfigurationValue  1
 iConfiguration       0 ()
 bmAttributes         64 (Self-powered)
 MaxPower             48 mA
  <interface 0>
   <altsetting 0>
   bLength            9
   bDescriptorType    4
   bInterfaceNumber   0
   bAlternateSetting  0
   bNumEndpoints      2
   bInterfaceClass    16
   bInterfaceSubClass 1
   bInterfaceProtocol 0
   iInterface         0 ()
    <endpoint 0>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x81 (in 0x01)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    64
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
    <endpoint 1>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x02 (out 0x02)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    64
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0


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