[Soc-coordination] Status Report for Bootstrappable Debian, Week 4

Peter Pentchev roam at ringlet.net
Tue Jun 17 21:51:55 UTC 2014


During week 4 of my GSoC project I went on modifying packages in the
Feedback Arc Set to drop build dependencies so that they may be built in
a limited fashion starting from scratch on a new architecture.

I filed bugs for the following packages, taking the order from the
"Crossbuild order" page on http://bootstrap.debian.net/
- src:autogen - #751470 - move texlive to Build-Depends-Indep
- src:libtheora - #751702 - drop graphviz altogether, unused
- src:python-defaults - #751706 - replace a lsb_release invocation with
  a dpkg-vendor one, reorganize the documentation so that
  python-docutils may be moved to Build-Depends-Indep
- src:mpdecial - #751861 - move the documentation to a separate package
  so that python-sphinx may be moved to Build-Depends-Indep
- src:pkg-config:
  - #751897 - drop libpopt-dev altogether, unused
  - #751899 - in the stage1 build profile build pkg-config-stage1
    instead of pkg-config and use the bundled glib library
  - #751922 - add <!profile.stage1> and Build-Profiles to d/control

At the request of Helmut Grohne, I also filed #751776 against src:time
to mark the time binary package as Multi-Arch: foreign.


Peter Pentchev  roam at ringlet.net roam at FreeBSD.org p.penchev at storpool.com
PGP key:        http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115  C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13
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