[3dprinter-general] Cura 3.0 is released

Dr. Bas Wijnen wijnen at debian.org
Mon Nov 13 08:39:20 UTC 2017


On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 09:09:12AM +0100, Gregor Riepl wrote:
> > Are you trying to push these patches upstream too?
> I'm pretty sure they won't accept these patches... why would they add
> telemetrics in the first place otherwise?

Good questions: why do they?  My guess is that they want to use the information
to improve the software.  Debian has a similar goal with popularity-contest.
As that example shows, when the use is explained to the users and the choice is
left to them to send this information, many choose to help.  I think it's rude
to make such a setting opt-out, and it's possible that Cura upstream would
agree if they think about it.  It's also possible that they don't have a
problem with it and will leave the setting as is.

The patch for removing the plugin makes no sense for them, but the other one
may be fine.  I think I would mention that we apply it in Debian, and leave it
to them what they want to do.  So don't suggest that we want them to apply the
patch, just inform them about what we do.

> Only one of these patches should be merged, I'll leave it up to discussion if
> disabling it or making it opt-in by default is the better choice.

I think making it opt-in would be best.  They're not evil for gethering these
statistics, and users may choose to help them.  I don't think we should prevent
that.  Perhaps a better solution would be a one-time popup asking for the
answer, similar to how the popcon question is a fairly high priority in
debian-installer (so it gets asked in most cases).  That's not something Debian
should implement, but upstream may want to do it if they move to opt-in.
Because users are not going to search for an option to send this info to them,
so they wouldn't get much data without the explicit question.

This is also a reason you may want to talk about it with them: they probably
want to get as much data from Debian users as possible.  We're not going to
allow the setting to be opt-out, so they'll probably prefer to ask the

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