[3dprinter-general] Cura 3.6.0 release

Gregor Riepl onitake at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 18:39:09 GMT 2018

Hi David,

> I needed to install a more recent version of Cura, so packaged up Cura 3.6.0
> and related packages for my personal use.
> I've started cleaning up the packages for a proper release. My hope is that
> they could be reviewed and published or used as a basis for an updated release.

Have you already created repos for libCharon and stb_image?

If not, these are dependencies that should be packaged separately.
Pulling in stb_image.h via the cmake build script (as CuraEngine will do if
it's not found) is not acceptable per Debian policy AFAIK.

> If this approach is useful I am happy to continue through the other packages.

I will have more time to work on the release starting next week or so.
If you are available, please come by #debian-3dprinting on irc.oftc.net so we
can discuss and coordinate further.

Is that ok for you?


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