[3dprinter-general] Bug#946532: uranium: build depends on cruft package

Gregor Riepl onitake at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 07:53:09 GMT 2019

> Hello, your package build depends on a cruft package, I'm uploading a fix in deferred/5
> patch is here: (I'll close the bug before uploading)

> - pylint3, python3-pytest,
> + pylint, python3-pytest,
>   python3-pyqt5,

Thanks a lot for this!

I tested locally and pushed 3.3.0-2 that includes this patch. Unfortunately,
but I can't upload as I'm not a DD.

Can you or someone from the 3-D printing team push the fixed version from
Salsa for me? ->

Also, it doesn't look like deferred/5 worked as intended:
https://ftp-master.debian.org/deferred.html says the upload was only queued
for about 2 days, not 5...

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