[3dprinter-general] Bug#1040191: marked as pending in libnest2d

Gregor Riepl onitake at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 08:05:13 BST 2023

Hi myon,

> Cmake files check for matching architecture width now, mark package as Arch: any
> * Cmake files check for matching architecture width now, mark package as
>   Arch: any. (The header files themselves do not change. Closes: #1040191)
> * Drop M-A: foreign.

Thanks for the quick fix, but I'm not super happy about this solution.

This package *really* installs only platform-independent header files, 
and I think the error is wrong.

But I can see where it's coming from; one of the cmake scripts contains 
boilerplate that depends on the installation architecture:

> # check that the installed version has the same 32/64bit-ness as the one which is currently searching:
>   math(EXPR installedBits "8 * 8")
>   set(PACKAGE_VERSION "${PACKAGE_VERSION} (${installedBits}bit)")
> endif()

I'll report this upstream, perhaps this was really unintentional 
And it looks like we're not the first with this sort of issue: 


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