[3dprinter-general] Bug#1074239: cura: Cura fails to start

Asher Gordon AsDaGo at posteo.net
Sun Jun 30 02:48:13 BST 2024

Control: severity -1 grave

I'm also having this problem as of recently. I tried building the
package myself from source (the Debian version, not upstream) and still
had the problem. It's probably related to a recent upgrade of one of
Cura's dependencies. I wasn't able to get upstream to build, but if I do
I will report back here.

Since this bug makes the package unusable, I think the severity should
be grave. I am not sure whether anyone is able to change that, but I
have added the control header in case it works, because I think it's
pretty clear that the severity should be grave.


Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
		-- Salvor Hardin
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