[Amavisd-new-debian-devel] Debian has amavisd-new 2.3.3 and [PATCH] received header folding

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh hmh at debian.org
Fri Jan 20 13:00:51 UTC 2006

Hello Mark,

This email is just to let you know that Debian has finally caught up with
amavisd-new 2.3.3, and now that it is a simple matter of keeping it
up-to-date, it is doubtful we will be too much out-of-sync.

The new amavisd-new is present in Debian Etch (testing) and Debian Sid

Also, users of Debian Sarge can access the new amavisd-new packages through

There is nothing much in the way of patches to amavisd-new, except for the
hunk attached, which does a better job of identing Received headers. I
believe this hunk has been sent to you at least once. If not, I apologise,
it has been in Debian amavisd-new for years...

If you want to talk to all the people taking care of amavisd-new for Debian,
just mail us at amavisd-new-debian-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org.  It is a
subscribers-only list (open subscription), but I have whitelisted your
ijs.si address to post without being subscribed just in case.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh
-------------- next part --------------
Index: amavisd
RCS file: /cvsroot/amavisd-new/amavisd-new/amavisd,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -r1.1.1.15 -r1.38
--- amavisd	21 Aug 2005 23:46:15 -0000
+++ amavisd	24 Dec 2005 12:20:15 -0000	1.38
@@ -3778,17 +3778,23 @@
   $str =~ s/\n([ \t]*\n)+/\n/g;    # remove empty lines
   chomp($str);                     # chop off trailing NL if present
   if ($structured) {
+    $str =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g;       # collapse spaces and tabs to a single space
     my(@sublines) = split(/\n/, $str, -1);
-    $str = ''; my($s) = ''; my($s_l) = 0;
+    $str = ''; my($s) = ''; my($s_l) = 0; my($s_il)=0;
     for (@sublines) {              # join shorter field sections
-      if ($s !~ /^\s*\z/ && $s_l + length($_) > 78) {
-        $str .= "\n"  if $str ne '';
+      if ($s !~ /^\s*\z/ && $s_l + $s_il + length($_) > 78) {
+        $s_il = 8; # length of the initial tab
+        $str .= "\n\t"  if $str ne '';
+        $s =~ s/^[ \t]+//g; # remove leading and trailing whitespace
+        $s =~ s/[ \t]+$//g;
         $str .= $s; $s = ''; $s_l = 0;
       $s .= $_; $s_l += length($_);
     if ($s !~ /^\s*\z/) {
-      $str .= "\n"  if $str ne '';
+      $str .= "\n\t"  if $str ne '';
+      $s =~ s/^[ \t]+//g; # remove leading and trailing whitespace
+      $s =~ s/[ \t]+$//g;
       $str .= $s;
   } elsif (length($str) > 998) {

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