[Amavisd-new-debian-devel] Seeking new maintainer(s) for HPLIP and amavisd-new

Gregory Colpart reg at evolix.fr
Sat Aug 11 11:21:23 UTC 2007


On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 10:35:50AM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> > My alioth login is 'reg-guest' (note that I'm not DD).
> Since I had two DDs join already in the last 24h, and I have no previous
> knowledge of your work (sorry about that, this is no fault of yours, it is
> just a fact), I will ask that you send an email to amavisd-new-debian-devel
> introducing yourself and your experience with amavisd-new and Debian
> packaging.
> (also please read its archives and subscribe to it if you didn't do it
> already)

I am Gregory Colpart (wiki.debian.org/GregoryColpart). I'm in NM
process and I maintain some packages: Horde (Framework written in
PHP) and components (in pkg-horde alioth team), pppoeconf
(shellscript for PPPoE configuration) and few PHP PEAR modules.
I known C, Perl, Shell and PHP languages.

I use amavisd-new on a dozen of mail servers (sarge or etch) with
ClamAV and sometimes SA or LDAP storage. On two of my sarge
servers I use personal backports (mainly because annoying
#307538). I follow amavisd-new packaging (recent period in
experimental, conf.d transition, etcera) and I proposed minor
patches (#305711, #353056). I'm now subscribed on alioth
amavisd-new list and amavis-user upstream list. I'm happy to see
new developers who care about amavisd-new package and I will try
to help in BTS and submit patches on this list.

> Then, after you do some work over the mailing-list (with five people
> listening to it and with commit access, even if two of them are mostly
> inactive and I don't have much time, it won't take long for accepted patches
> to hit the tree), we can see about adding write rights to you for the SCM
> tree in alioth.  Would you be confortable working under these conditions?

No problem. Anyway I'm aware of amavisd-new packaging is critical
mission and I don't intent to commit without advice/permission.

Gregory Colpart <reg at evolix.fr>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres http://www.evolix.fr/

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