[Amavisd-new-debian-devel] Moving to mercurial

Brian May bam at snoopy.apana.org.au
Wed Aug 22 01:17:16 UTC 2007

>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Wirt <formorer at debian.org> writes:

    Alexander> I was able to convert the cvs via svn via tailor to mercurial, but I was
    Alexander> wondering if we really need all old branches or if converting trunk would be
    Alexander> enough. A full checkout has round about 440Mb... What do you think? 

I suspect it doesn't matter.

In the unlikely event that there is historic information we need that
wasn't converted we can always resort to getting from CVS...

Having said that, I am not sure what branches exist.
Brian May <bam at snoopy.apana.org.au>

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