[Amavisd-new-debian-devel] Fwd: Bug in amavisd-new.

Brian May brian at microcomaustralia.com.au
Thu May 20 23:14:00 UTC 2010

Forwarding this to the mailing list, too.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: admin-general <admin-general at ac-lille.fr>
Date: 7 May 2010 23:28
Subject: Bug in amavisd-new.
To: bam at snoopy.debian.net


I've report a bug too times because with the tool debian "bug-report"
and i don't have news from this bug.

My problem is sometimes amavisd-new lose some mails.

Mail comes into postfix (port 25), postfix routes through amavis (10024),
which then routes to backend postfix (10025).  I think this is a common, if
not standard, configuration people use.

Postfix (25) is accepting the mail.  It then tries to deliver it to amavis,
and it 'thinks' it is successful, so postfix removes it from the queue.
Amavis actually had a problem, but instead of returning an error code to
postfix, it inadvertantly returned a success code.  Here are the applicable

log entries:
May  7 14:54:18 av1 amavis[24167]: (24167-11-2) Negative SMTP resp to
DATA: 250 Ok
May  7 14:54:18 av1 amavis[24167]: (24167-11-2) Message-ID:
<4BE40D65.3050609 at ac-lille.fr>, mail_id: w6Qb5UwLrm7G, Hits: -2.599,
size: 2671, queued_as: 250 2.1.0 Ok/250 2.1.5 Ok, 5811 ms

I don't know why my bug report doesn't appear in your bug reporting interface.

And when i apply the patch found on this link :

All works fine.

Can you help me or tell me why this bug is not corrected.


Armando Martins

Brian May <brian at microcomaustralia.com.au>

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